Monday, December 11, 2017

Student Created Hyperdocs

While recently participating in a few different classes across multiple grade levels I have consistently seen the need for students to jump around from their Google Classroom to various Drive folders to email, all to access different materials for one particular assignment or task. Much of this jumping around can be remedied by effectively creating Assignments and Announcements in Google Classroom with all the necessary documents and resources. But, sometimes things happen and it is not possible to get everything in a nice little package. This is where a student created hyperdoc comes in.

Many of you by now have probably heard of hyperdocs. I believe that students can use the power of hyperdocs to make their notes, classwork, study habits, etc. more efficient and more organized.  This link will provide you with a collection of articles on the subject.

In the link provided in the first paragraph, the student created hyperdoc, it allows the student to create links to all relevant material for a particular unit or topic. This will be extremely useful when it comes to studying for a test and/or retrieving any related information. Some of the different resources that can be linked include:  Quizlets, notes, presentations, worksheets, images, videos, tables, websites, projects, etc. What a user needs to remember is that anything found on the web or in Google Drive has a specific url. It is this url that needs to be copied in order to create the hyperlink.

To create a hyperlink:
Select the text you want to make a hyperlink.
  1. Click the Insert link button, or right-click the selected text and click Link, or press ctrl+k.
  2. The Edit Link dialog box will appear.
  3. Type the address or paste the address you copied that you want to link to in the Link field.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the link to view the URL.